Yamazaki, Keiichi; Yamazaki, Akiko; Okada, Mai; Kuno, Yoshinori; Kobayashi, Yoshinori; Hoshi, Yosuke; Pitsch, Karola; Luff, Paul; vom Lehn, Dirk; Heath, Christian:
Revealing Gauguin: Engaging Visitors in Robot Guide’s Explanation of an Art Museum
In: CHI 2009 - digital life, new world: Conference proceedings and extended abstracts : the 27th Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 4 - 9, 2009 in Boston, USA/Association for Computing Machinery - New York, NY: ACM Press, 2009, S. 1437 - 1446
2009Buchaufsatz/Kapitel in Sammelwerk
KommunikationswissenschaftFakultät für Geisteswissenschaften » Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft
Revealing Gauguin: Engaging Visitors in Robot Guide’s Explanation of an Art Museum
Yamazaki, Keiichi;Yamazaki, Akiko;Okada, Mai;Kuno, Yoshinori;Kobayashi, Yoshinori;Hoshi, Yosuke;Pitsch, KarolaUDE
0000-0002-6458-7264ORCID iD
der Hochschule zugeordnete*r Autor*in
Luff, Paul;vom Lehn, Dirk;Heath, Christian


Designing technologies that support the explanation of museum exhibits is a challenging domain. In this paper we develop an innovative approach - providing a robot guide with resources to engage visitors in an interaction about an art exhibit. We draw upon ethnographical fieldwork in an art museum, focusing on how tour guides interrelate talk and visual conduct, specifically how they ask questions of different kinds to engage and involve visitors in lengthy explanations of an exhibit. From this analysis we have developed a robot guide that can coordinate its utterances and body movement to monitor the responses of visitors to these. Detailed analysis of the interaction between the robot and visitors in an art museum suggests that such simple devices derived from the study of human interaction might be useful in engaging visitors in explanations of complex artifacts.