Steins, Gisela:
Motivation in person perception: Role of the other's perspective.
In: The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 140 (2000), No. 6, pp. 692 - 709
2000article/chapter in journal
PsychologyFaculty of Educational Sciences » Institut für Psychologie » Allgemeine Psychologie und Sozialpsychologie
Related: 1 publication(s)
Motivation in person perception: Role of the other's perspective.
Steins, GiselaUDE
0000-0002-3745-2778ORCID iD
connected with university
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In previous research (G. Steins and R. A. Wicklund; see record 1996-01920-005), perspective-taking depended on the interplay between 2 variables: (1) press (the relationship intensity between perceiver and perceived person) and (2) conflict. In the absence of conflict, perspective-taking was positively related to press; in the presence of conflict, perspective-taking was negatively related to press. In the present 3 studies, involving samples of German students, the author conducted a detailed exploration of the motivational impact of press on perspective-taking: In the 1st study, she measured press via the participant's wish to deal with the other person: in the 2nd study, via the perceiver's preoccupation with the target; and in the 3rd study, she defined press as a general tendency of some participants to become absorbed in other individuals. All 3 studies included elements of conflict. The results further support the perspective-taking model and improve the understanding of the influence of motivation in person perception