Dziobek, Isabel; Fleck, Stefan; Kalbe, Elke; Rogers, Kimberley; Hassenstab, Jason; Brand, Matthias; Kessler, Josef; Woike, Jan K.; Wolf, Oliver T.; Convit, Antonio:
Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. MASC (movie for the assessment of social cognition): Ein Film zur Erhebung sozialer Kognitionen.
In: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders : devoted to all severe psychopathologies in childhood., Vol. 36 (2006), No. 5, pp. 623 - 636
2006article/chapter in journal
Applied Cognitive ScienceFaculty of Engineering » Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science
Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. MASC (movie for the assessment of social cognition): Ein Film zur Erhebung sozialer Kognitionen.
Dziobek, Isabel;Fleck, Stefan;Kalbe, Elke;Rogers, Kimberley;Hassenstab, Jason;Brand, MatthiasUDE
0000-0002-4831-9542ORCID iD
connected with university
Kessler, Josef;Woike, Jan K.;Wolf, Oliver T.;Convit, Antonio
Year of publication:


Introduces a sensitive video-based test for the evaluation of subtle mindreading difficulties: the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC). This new mindreading tool involves watching a short film and answering questions referring to the actors' mental states. A group of adults with Asperger syndrome (n = 19) and well-matched control subjects (n = 20) were administered the MASC and 3 other mindreading tools as part of a broader neuropsychological testing session. Compared to control subjects, Asperger individuals exhibited marked and selective difficulties in social cognition. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the mindreading tests identified the MASC as discriminating the diagnostic groups most accurately. Issues pertaining to the multidimensionality of the social cognition construct are discussed.