Keye, Doris; Wilhelm, Oliver; Oberauer, Klaus; van Ravenzwaaij, Don:
Individual differences in conflict-monitoring: Testing means and covariance hypothesis about the Simon and the Eriksen Flanker task.
In: Psychological Research, Vol. 73 (2009), No. 6, pp. 762 - 776
2009article/chapter in journal
PsychologyFaculty of Educational Sciences » Institut für Psychologie
Related: 1 publication(s)
Individual differences in conflict-monitoring: Testing means and covariance hypothesis about the Simon and the Eriksen Flanker task.
Keye, Doris;Wilhelm, OliverUDE
connected with university
Oberauer, Klaus;van Ravenzwaaij, Don
Year of publication:


Presents an erratum to a previously published study investigating individual differences in conflict monitoring during Simon and Eriksen flanker tasks. It is explained that an error in the stimulus coding led to inaccuracies regarding the discrimination of stimulus repetitions from stimulus alternations. Required corrections and reanalysis of the data resulted in main effects of stimulus repetition on reaction time and accuracy in ANOVAs for both tasks. The main effect of stimulus repetition was relatively small for the Eriksen task, however interaction effects with previous trial compatibility did emerge. More pronounced repetition effects resulted for the Simon task, but interactions with previous trial compatibility were less pronounced. The revised data suggest that repetition priming does weaken the originally reported effects, but it does not account for the context of slow-down effects entirely. It is pointed out that the findings do not warrant revision of any other conclusions within the previously published paper.