Fehrentz, Martin; Radtke, Ulrich:
Luminescence Dating of Pleistocene outwash sediments of the Senne area (Eastern Münsterland, Germany)
In: Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 20 (2001), No. 5-9, pp. 725 - 729
2001article/chapter in journal
GeographyRektorat und Verwaltung » Rektorat
Related: 1 publication(s)
Luminescence Dating of Pleistocene outwash sediments of the Senne area (Eastern Münsterland, Germany)
Fehrentz, Martin;Radtke, UlrichUDE
connected with university
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Results of combined GSL- and IRSL-dating of glaciofluvial sediments of the Senne, the southern slope of the Teutoburger Wald, eastern Westfalia, Germany, differ significantly from hitherto known ages. Seraphim (1979, Berichte der Naturwissenschaftliche Vereinigung Bielefeld, 24, 319–344.) and Skupin (1985, Geologia Kt. Nordrh. Westfaelische 1:100.000, Erl., C 4318, 2. Aufl.: 55 S.; Krefeld) suggest a Saalian age for the sand body of the “Schlegel” sand pit near Augustdorf examined in this study. According to Seraphim (1979), the outwash sediments were deposited as a kame-terrace between the north eastern slope of the Teutoburger Wald and Drenthe stadial dead-ice in the Westfalian Bucht. Skupin (1985) explains the sediments as Drenthe stadial outwash sands from the Emsland and the Münsterland glacier. Using different luminescence methods, nine samples of these sediments exhibit ages of 15,000–40,000 years. Accepted Saalian aged sediments were sampled ca. 5 km north of Senne area. Here, sediments beneath a Saalian moraine show ages of 100,000–250,000 years. In the light of these new data, we suggest a model in which Saalian aged sediments were totally reworked and finally deposited by aeolian and solifluction processes during Weichselian time.