- 134302427
- 2347
- 0000-0002-5149-5918
- Sonstiges
- der Hochschule zugeordnete*r Autor*in
Abstract in Englisch:
Intro -- Notation -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I Introduction, Basic Concepts and Preliminaries -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Trends and Mainstream in Research -- 1.1.1 Data-Driven, Statistic and Machine Learning Based Fault Diagnosis Methods -- 1.1.2 Model-Based Fault Diagnosis Research -- 1.1.3 Detection of Intermittent and Incipient Faults -- 1.1.4 Fault-Tolerant Control -- 1.2 Motivation -- 1.2.1 Data-Driven and Model-Based Fault Diagnosis -- 1.2.2 Fault-Tolerant Control and Performance Degradation Recovery -- 1.2.3 Performance Assessment of Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant control Systems -- 1.3 Outline of the Contents -- 1.3.1 Part I: Introduction, Basic Concepts and Preliminaries -- 1.3.2 Part II: Fault Detection, Isolation and Estimation in Linear dynamic Systems -- 1.3.3 Part III: Fault Detection in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems -- 1.3.4 Part IV: Statistical and Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis Methods -- 1.3.5 Part V: Application of Randomised Algorithms to Assessment and Design of Fault Diagnosis Systems -- 1.3.6 Part VI: An Integrated Framework of Control and Diagnosis, And fault-Tolerant Control Schemes -- 1.4 Notes and References -- References -- 2 Basic Requirements on Fault Detection and Estimation -- 2.1 Fault Detection and Estimation Paradigm -- 2.2 Fault Detection and Estimation in the Probabilistic Framework -- 2.2.1 Fault Detection Performance Assessment -- 2.2.2 Optimal Fault Detection and Estimation Problems -- 2.3 Fault Detection and Estimation in Deterministic Processes -- 2.3.1 Performance Assessment -- 2.3.2 Characterisation of Optimal Solutions -- 2.3.3 A General Form of Problem Formulation -- 2.4 Notes and References -- References -- 3 Basic Methods for Fault Detection and Estimation in Static Processes -- 3.1 A Basic Fault Detection and Estimation Problem -- 3.2 A General Form of Fault Detection and Estimation Problem.