Bigi, Francesco; Maurizzi, Enrico; Haghighi, Hossein; Siesler, Heinz Wilhelm; Licciardello, Fabio; Pulvirenti, Andrea:
Correction: Bigi et al. Waste Orange Peels as a Source of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Their Use for the Development of Nanocomposite Films. Foods 2023, 12, 960
In: Foods, Jg. 12 (2023), Heft 9, Artikel 1902
2023Artikel/Aufsatz in ZeitschriftOA Gold
ChemieFakultät für Chemie » Physikalische Chemie
Damit verbunden: 1 Publikation(en)
Titel in Englisch:
Correction: Bigi et al. Waste Orange Peels as a Source of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Their Use for the Development of Nanocomposite Films. Foods 2023, 12, 960
Bigi, Francesco
Maurizzi, Enrico
Haghighi, Hossein
Siesler, Heinz WilhelmUDE
0000-0002-6791-9965ORCID iD
der Hochschule zugeordnete*r Autor*in
Licciardello, Fabio
Pulvirenti, Andrea
korrespondierende*r Autor*in
Open Access?:
OA Gold
Web of Science ID
Scopus ID
CA extern
Sprache des Textes:

Abstract in Englisch:

In the original publication [1], the authors wish to change “LAE” into “LAE®” in the full text. The changes are as follows: In the abstract, change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are four occurrences. In the last paragraph of the introduction, change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are two occurrences. In Section 2.1, change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There is one occurrence. In Section 2.5, change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are three occurrences. In Section 3.2 (including Table 1), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are three occurrences. In the Section 3.3.1 (including Figures 4 and 5), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are nine occurrences. In Section 3.3.2 (including Figure 6), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are five occurrences. In Section 3.3.3 (including Table 2), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are fifteen occurrences. In Section 3.3.4 (including Table 3), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are eight occurrences. In Section 3.3.5 (including Table 4), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are eight occurrences. In Section 3.3.6 (including Table 5), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are ten occurrences. In Section 3.3.7 (including Table 6), change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are twelve occurrences. In the conclusion, change “LAE” into “LAE®”. There are five occurrences. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused and state that the scientific conclusions are unaffected. This correction was approved by the Academic Editor. The original publication has also been updated.